Kevanishvili G.Sh., Kotetishvili
K.V., Robitashvili A.G. and Chikhladze G.G.
Georgian Technical University
It is proved that the sum of trigonometric
series of convolution type is equal to
, where
under the condition
, while
function is regular and single-valued in
the complex plane.
Keywords: series, Bateman’s
integral equation.
of plane waves by N-layered grid of metallic cylinders
Kokilashvili L.G., Kevanishvili
G.Sh. and Kokilashvili G.L.
Georgian Technical
Diffraction of plane waves (l) by a big number of metallic cylinders of finite width (am/l is arbitrary, where am is the radius of the m-layer
cylinder). The distribution of the scattered field energy can be determined in
the same way as the transmission (B) and reflection (R) coefficients are
determined, which depends on the arrangement of cylinders in space. This
arrangement can be varied in two directions using parameters bm and lm (the cylinders are
infinitely long). This electrodynamic system can be considered as artificial
dielectric with arbitrary (variable) permittivity.
Keywords: N-layered grid, metallic cylinders, wave diffraction, artificial
Kokilashvili L.G. and Kokilashvili G.L.
Georgian Technical University
Abstract: The numbers for
natural odd numbers are presented. The tables for
numbers corresponding to composed odd
numbers are given. The conditions of fulfillment of Goldbach hypothesis (for
even numbers) are considered.
Keywords: odd numbers,
series, matrix, Goldbach hypothesis.
On the computation of some integrals by the Gaussian
measure of exponentials of linear and quadratic functionals
T.G., Sokhadze G.A. and Eremeishvili N.I.
Abstract. There is proved the
theorem allowing the computation of some integrals by the Gaussian measure of
exponentials of linear and quadratic functionals. Though proved for the fitted
Hilbert space, the theorem can be extended, with some modification, to the
abstract Wiener space as well.
Keywords: integrall
computation, Gaussian measure, linear functionals, quadratic functionals,
Reflection properties of the transmitter with the
dielectric sandwich
Kevanishvili G.Sh. and Chuntishvivli I.I.
Georgian Technical University
reflection properties of two-layer dielectric transmitter based on variconds
(ferrodielectrics) were studied. There were determined the conditions under
which the transmitter provides the maximum reflection of the electromagnetic
energy falling on it.
Keywords: transmitter,
dielectric sandwich, reflection properties.
Analytical solution to the problem of nonstationary strain
of the spherical shell
Gegelashvili T.A. and Kipiani D.O.
Georgian Technical University
the framework of Timoshenko’s model, there was derived a set of three
equations for axisymmetric strain of the closed spherical shell taking up a
localized momental impact of normal pressure. The solution to the
initial-boundary problem is presented as infinite series in terms of Legendre
polynomials. The factors of those expansions fit the second-order equations
which are to be integrated at known initial conditions.
Keywords: shell,
nonstationary strain, Legendre polynomial, matrix.
A method of saving the hop in brewing
Technical University
Boiling of wort with hop is one of the methods
of extraction of hop components affecting the beer quality. The optimal
bitterness of beer is achieved at boiling of the wort for 1-2 hours (the
extraction of hop bitter substances makes up 20-70%). The hop is an expensive
raw material. In this article the sophisticated equipment containing the
ultrasonic device which provides saving of the hop is suggested. The ultrasonic
generator has the power of 1200W and the operational frequency of 100 kHz. There
was performed testing production of beer with the initial wort concentration of
11.5% and 13.0% depending
on the duration of hop extraction with the ultrasonic device and without
it. It was established that the use of ultrasonic equipment allowed increasing
the extractability of hemulone and, thus, saving the hop by 30%, i.e. reducing
the prime cost of beer. The duration of boiling of the wort was also decreased
(it made up 1 hour).
Keywords: brewing, hop, saving, ultrasonic device.
Investigation of the properties of second-order three-component
simplex-GRiD DESIGNs with account for the errors of measuring instruments
Beraia N.O.,
Zedginidze I.G. and Modebadze T.Z.
Georgian Technical
In this article are studied the properties of
D-, A- and E-optimality of second-order simplex-grid Sheffe designs at using
the measuring instruments with certain inaccuracy for determination of
components. The simulation of various errors of measuring instruments was
performed by applying the random
numbers distributed by the normal law to the linear design coordinates. It was
established that the properties of D-, A- and E-optimality deteriorate to a
certain extent at the use of real measuring instruments.
Keywords: experiment design, simplex design,
accuracy, measuring instruments
On a model of inflation
Bidjuk P.I., Gogoladze N.G. and Sokhadze G.A.
Kiev Technical University, Ukraine
A. Tsereteli Kutaisi State University
is proposed a model of inflation which considers for the volume of currency in
circulation, the current cost, the estimated cost and the indices of shady
economy. With account for random fluctuations in the model parameters, there is
derived the consequence of a decrease or an increase in the shady economy
index. Some recommendations on macroeconomy management are given.
Keywords: inflation, model,
random fluctuations.
the kinetic peculiarities of high temperature oxidation
of Fe-44%Cr-4%Al-1%Ni-0.3%Lа alloy
Kutelia E.R., Tsurtsumia O.O., Mikadze O.I., Demirkiran K. and Bulia P.B.
Republic Center
for Structure Researches of Georgian Technical University
F. Tavadze
Institute of Metallurgy
International black Sea University
The high temperature oxidation kinetics of the Fe-44%Cr-4%Al-1%Ni-0.3%Lа alloy at 12000C,
13000C and 14000С was investigated. It was established that the kinetics of decrease in the effective area of diffusion (φ) at 12000С and 13000С is maximum at the initial oxidation stages and after some time φ decreased to the minimum, which
remained practically constant at those temperatures. At 14000С, φ decreased to the minimum level for
the first
exposure hours by the exponential law. The scale growth at 12000С can be
described satisfactorily by the logarithmic oxidation law, and, at increasing
oxidation temperature up to 14000С, the scale growth mechanism is
described more precisely by the logarithmic law for the initial oxidation
stages. Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray analysis, the fine structure and the
composition of the developed scale at the temperatures from 12000С to 14000С were
studied as well.
Keywords: kinetics, high temperature oxidation, diffusion effective area, oxide scale
kinetics of formation of nonpolar
triplet exciplexes
Kokrashvili T.A., Chabukiani L.V. and Kokrashvili A.T.
Georgian Technical University
kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of formation of nonpolar triplet
exciplexes at quenching of the triplet state of p-chloranil (CA) with methylated
benzenes were determined. It is demonstrated that 3CA forms triplet
exciplex-type complexes with benzene and some its derivatives in liquid
Keywords: triplet exciplex, quenching, photoexcitation
Aronishidze M.N., Petriashvili G.Sh., Tavzarashvili S.P., Tevdorashvili K.G., Chanishvili A.G., Chilaya G.S. and Chikhladze
The parameters of cholesteric liquid crystals
can be controlled by irradiation with light if they contain conformationally
photoactive molecules. In this paper we investigate light-induced effects in cholesterics
with azoxy-based host material. A blue shift of the pitch by 150 nm was
observed depending on the exposure time and the intensity of light. The effect
is reversible under illumination. At wavelengths more than 410 nm, the
pitch shifts to the opposite
direction. The blue shift of the selective reflection band is due to both the decrease
in the order parameter and the concentration of nematic component.
Keywords: cholesteric
liquid crystals, trans-cis izomerization,
reversible photocontrol of pitch.
On one application of
collinear transpormations
Chavleshvili G.N. and Khatiskatsi I.E.
Georgian Technical University
using the method of collinear transformations, there was resolved the position
problem of descriptive geometry, where the surface with an arbitrary
frontal outline and with similar or
similarly arranged elliptic sections and the prism projection on the plane were
given. The line of their intersection was found.
Keywords: collinear
transformation, descriptive ry, position problem.
AN example of position
problem solution by using the quadratic transformation
Chavleshvili G.N. and Khatiskatsi I.E.
Georgian Technical University
position problem of descriptive geometry was solved by using the quadratic
transformation. The conditions of the problem assumed the rotation paraboloid
and the general-type cone, the top of which was located at the paraboloid axis
and the contour generating lines of the frontal outline made a right angle. The
line of their intersection was found.
Keywords: quadratic
transformation, position problem, descriptive geometry.
Optoelectronic switch device based
on GaP
Laperashvili T.A.,
Kaldani N.R. and Laperashvili D.L
Georgian Technical University
Abstract In this work
experimental results obtained from investigation current-voltage and
photoelectric characteristics of Optoelectronic Switch device based on high
resistivity (ρ=108 Ohm. cm) GaP with S-type volt-current characteristic are
presented. The switching on and switching off are available by both electric
and optical signal. The threshold voltage 31- 60 V and current 0.038 - 0.064 mA
at the switching condition were obtained and, holding voltage 6.5 - 24 V and
current 0.44 - 0.60 mA at room
temperature for samples with thickness 140 and 270 mm
respectively. They were lighting in green region of spectra at room
temperature, and in liquid nitrogen - yellow light. The devices were sensitive
to light with wavelength 560 nm (switching on) and 750 nm (switching off). The
theory double – injection of charge carriers is used for description
switching mechanism.
Keywords: optoelectronic switch, semiconductor,
and Global economic aspects of energoinformation duality
Khvedelidze M.A.
Institute of Cybernetics
Georgian Engineering Academy
International Informatization
The possibility of application of psychokinesis to
remote control in the man-machine system is considered as an example of
technical use of the regularity of energo-information duality. There is
continued the analysis of energoinformation duality in economy with
consideration of new information on
the USA policy in reference to the dollar, which has become much more
complicated in recent years. In the author’s opinion, the existing
currencies should be replaced with energoinformation units of resources
existing in the Solar System, which would be the optimistic result of evolution
of human civilization on the Earth.
energoinformation duality, global economic issues
OPtimistic Methods for Concurrency Control in DataBases
A.A. and Kutateladze R.G.
Georgian Technical University
Abstract. A method of controlling the concurrency among
database transactions by locking is discussed. The way out of the deadlock
caused by two or more transactions being in the simultaneous wait state is
Keyword: database, concurrency, locking, transaction, wait state,
deadlock, inconsistency analysis
Data Traffic Model and
Performance Analysis in PLC Networks
Mirtskhulava L.G., Gvaramia E.G., Kiknadze M.G. and Jojua
Georgian Technical University
Abstract: In this article, the
Markov-modulated Poisson process model is considered for voice traffic to
obtain the results for the voice
call blocking probability and the packet dropping probability. The Erlang-C
model is considered to obtain the mean packet delay.
MAC, Markov modulated Poisson process, Erlang-C model.
Formation of the optimal control task on soft landing
on the moon
Mosashvili I.O. and
Sesadze V.K.
Georgian Technical
Abstract. Studying the control
process in current time using multimedia facilities helps a student to imagine
the optimal control task and to resolve it in different ways. The task, which
is the best according to its high-speed response, represents the task of
designing the optimal trajectory. The task on soft landing on the Moon refers
to the above-mentioned tasks. In this task, the equation of artificial
satellite soft landing on the Moon is formulated with the initial conditions. The
functional describing the condition of exact performance of soft landing is
taken. The control mode with the
minimum speed and fuel consumption
in the process of soft landing has already been established.
Keywords: optimal
control, task, soft landing on the Moon, multimedia facilities.
About one individual
problem of mathematical modeling of control system element
Burkova I.V., Burjanadze V.O. and Gorgidze D.A.
Technical University
Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems, RAS, Moscow, Russia
There is reviewed the boundary - contact
problem, which has arisen at mathematical modeling of a piezoelectric ceramic element of a control system device. In the
Cartesian system of coordinates xi(1,2,3), exact solutions of
boundary contact problems of the elasticity theory for a multilayered
rectangular parallelepiped are under construction. The offered method of the
solution for boundary contact problems can be applied to the solution of
corresponding problems for any orthogonal system of the coordinates possessing
the axis of shift.
elastic balance, transtropic multilayered rectangular
parallelepiped, exact solutions.
On a problem of planning of
manufacture of goods
Burkova I.V. and Burjanadze V.O.
V.A. Trapesnikov Institute of Management Problems,
RAS, Moscow, Russia
Georgian Technical University
There is discussed a problem of planning of
manufacture of goods, which is considered as a problem of integer linear
programming, and its solution by a method of dichotomizing programming is
Keywords: manufacture, goods,
planning, cost, dichotomizing programming
formalization of the models of dialog management of production on the basis of
fuzzy multiplicIties
Areshidze G.T.,
Garsevanishvili T.G., Mchedlidze M.G. and Churchelauri B.G.
Georgian Technical
The results of the analysis of the methods of formalization of the
models of dialog management of production on the basis of fuzzy multiplicities
are presented. There is described a dialog procedure of resolution (resolving
rule) providing the realization of both well-structured and poorly structured
tasks. In this case, for formalization of the economic state of enterprise
functioning there is proposed the
vectror of resolving system describing the multiplicity of structures and
parameters of the model in a fuzzy way.
Keywords: management of production, dialog mode, fuzzy model, economic state.
Basaria F.P.,
Bokuchava G.V., Sherozia V.A. and Salukvadze Z.R.
Ilia Vekua Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology
was selected the optimal variant of chemical composition for glass/enamel
coatings providing strong antisublimation protection for thermal electric
material PbTe of n-type at working temperature of 350-5000C. It was determined
that the high level of antisublimation protection of the above semiconductor
alloy is conditioned by the “soft” state (viscosity ~106-1011Pa)
of the glass/enamel coating at working temperature of the thermal electric
Keywords: thermal electric
material, semiconductor alloy, thermal element arms, glass/enamel coating,
antisublimation properties, thermal electric converter.
The effect of channel processes on the STABLE stream slope
E.G., Inashvili I.D. and Kruashvili R.V.
Georgian State
Agricultural University
As a result of analysis of testing data obtained at various channels of
reclamation purpose, there were constructed the models which allowed deriving
the design relations of stable channel width. By comparison of those relations,
the design relation of stable slope was obtained. The derived relations enable
us to compute the stable stream slope with consideration both for its forming
flow discharge and physical-technical characteristics of the ground.
Keywords: channel, water stream, stable slope, channel width.
analytical numerical method
of determination of gas leak at the gas main section
Ingorokva D.A.
Georgian Technical University
is proposed an analytical numerical method of determination of gas leak at the gas
main section. The method is based on the analytical solution to a set of
differential equations describing the motion of real gas in the pipeline. The
obtained solution is set equal to the stabilization pressure and is resolved by
the numerical method in reference to the stabilization time; the time value is
compared with the real time. The proposed method is distinguished by both the
simplicity of computation and the practical availability. This method
contributes to stable gas transportation by pipelines and favorable
environmental conditions.
Keywords: gas main, gas leak,
numerical method.
Investigation of geometric
parameters of the inner surface of operating gas main
Namgaladze D.P. and Ingorokva D.A.
Georgian Technical University
spite of insulation coatings, underground gas mains are subjected to corrosive
wear which could be described as gradual loss of metal under the environmental
impact. After statistical processing of large-scale data, there were determined
the correlation coefficients among the geometric parameters of corrosive
cavities and the empirical relations providing the determination of the maximum
diameter of corrosive cavities and the distance between the corrosive cavities
along the pipe and in its cross-section, depending on the cavity depth.
Keywords: gas main, corrosion
cavity, geometric parameters.
Determination of hydrodynamic and rheological parameters of the oil with
Maxwell’s rHEological model
Yu.B. and Kiziria T.I.
Technical University
The determination of hydrodynamic and rheological parameters of
anomalous oil with Maxwel’s rheological model is discussed. The mentioned
model was taken into account in hydrodynamic equations describing the pressure
motion. This directed the way to determination of the abovementioned
hydrodynamic and rheological parameters by solving the inverse problem using
the Robbins-Monroe method.
Keywords: oil, Maxwell rheological model, hydrodynamic
parameters, rheological parameters.
On the change in the oil spot
concentration at draining of the oil containing heavy components into the river
as a result of emergency at the POWER plant
Gurgenidze D.R.
Georgian Technical University
change in the oil spot concentration at draining of the oil containing heavy
components into the river as a
result of emergency at the power plant is discussed. The available full-scale
data were used. The density of probability distribution of the oil spot
concentration depending on the distance from the initial section was determined.
Based on the investigation results, some conclusions about the diffusion
coefficient have been inferred.
Keywords: oil, oil spot, heavy components, draining, diffusion
The study on reduction in
size of coal at its hydraulic transportation as fuel for thermal power stations
Gurgenidze D.R.
Georgian Technical University
article deals with the problem of reduction in size of coal at its hydraulic
transportation as fuel for thermal power stations. The granulometric content of
the coal in any section of the pipeline is approximated by Weibull
distribution. Based on the experimental data, the relations among the Weibull
distribution parameters were determined in dependence on the pipeline diameter
and length and the Reynolds number. Knowing these relations, one can determine
the desired range of sizes of solid particles for the hydraulic transportation
line of the given length.
Keywords: coal, reduction in
size, hydraulic transportation, thermal power station.
the system operating on the pump-branched conduit principle
Klimiashvili L.D., Nachkebia V.P., Shelia T.Kh. and
Khatiuri Kh.N.
Georgian Technical University
new mathematical model of techno-economic estimation of the system operating on
the pump-branched conduit principle is proposed. The computer design of the
branched system performed by the proposed method is presented. It justifies the
availability of the approach described.
Keywords: techno-economic
estimation, pump-branched conduit system, mathematical model, computer design.
Some considerations on the
system analysis of technogenic hazard sources
Mchedlidze M.G. and Chkhartishvili I.A.
Georgian Technical University
general considerations on the system analysis of technogenic hazard sources are
presented. It is noted that the system analysis of sources and factors of
techogenic and environmental hazards can be performed on the basis of
methodological principles borrowed form the theory of preparation and
justification of the decisions to be made in relation to complex problems, The
methods of comparison of alternatives and determination of their priority are
considered. It is shown that the most developed and the most frequently used is
the method based on the criterion-choice language. The rule of choice for
solution of a single-criterion problem is given. As the problems to be solved
by the method of system analysis of technogenic hazard sources are
multicriteria, the relation derived for the single-criterion problem will be of
practical sense provided there is used such a method of decision-making which
reduces the multicriteria problem to the single-criterion one.
Keywords: system analysis, technogenic hazard,
decision-making, single-criterion problem.
, level ofProbability measures of risks and conceptual
bases of the choice of their admissible levels
Dumbadze Z.A. and Tsikhelashvili Z.I.
Georgian Technical University
Based on the probabilistic approach, there are
characterized the following types of risks of certain events or phenomena:
The analysis of probability
measures of risks and conceptual bases of the choice of their admissible levels
in the case of emergency of technogenic and environmental risks under
technogenic effects are presented.
In our opinion, the given definition
of the risk level is more convenient and suitable for solution of a wide range
of scientific and practical problems, especially the ones concerning the
general estimation of the level of safety.
technogenic risk, environmental risk, probability measures safety.
On the assessment of NATURAL
risk by the indices of potential HAZARD and vulnerability
Lezhava A.P., Areshidze N.S.,
Kevlishvili N.K., Balakhadze N.I. and Kvezereli S.E.
Georgian Technical University
scheme of assessment of the natural risk is proposed. A general equation
determining the damages from potentially dangerous phenomena is given. The
equation is based on the vulnerability concept. The damages in reference to
human lives are estimated, and their costs in developed countries like the USA,
Great Britain, Canada, Japan and others are given. The abovementioned
components of the risk are fundamental basis for estimation of environmental
safety in social and material spheres. Based on the data on the natural risk,
there is defined the allowable level of losses for certain regions and types of
hazard. For the cases when this allowable level of losses is exceeded, the
measures for minimization of losses and mitigation of consequences are worked
Keywords: natural risk, potential
hazard, vulnerability, damage, assessment, human life cost, allowable level of
On expert assessment of
environmental hazards of polluted lands, areas of water and reservoirs
Chkhartishvili I.A.
Georgian Technical University
procedure of assessment of environmental hazards of polluted lands, areas of
water and reservoirs is presented. As a result of ranking of the objects by
their degree of environmental hazard, there is obtained a row of objects
distributed by their degree of environmental hazard. This information serves as
initial data for making management decisions.
Keywords: environment,
environmental hazard, land, area of water, reservoir, expert assessment.
Methodological aspects of
evaluation of environmental hazards of emergency situations of natural and
technogenic origin
Chkhartishvili I.A.
Georgian Technical University
aspects of evaluation of environmental hazards of emergency situations of
natural and technogenic origin are discussed. The value of allowable risk is
substantiated by construction of the charts of regional distribution of the
risk (design of damage charts for every source of discharge). Three groups of
estimations of the effect of harmful substances in extreme situations are considered.
A possible formula of determination of risks or potential hazards with
consideration for economic, environmental and social damages in the case of
emergency is given.
Keywords: environmental
danger, emergency, evaluation, methodology.
Establishment of design parameters of stream control
constructions with the account FOR channel processes
E.G., Inashvili I.D. and Kruashvili R.V.
State Agricultural University
the extreme balance of water streams, the design relations of the cross-section
length and the distance between the control constructions with account for
hydraulic parameters of the stream and physical-mechanical characteristics of
the channel-forming ground were derived.
Keywords: channel, water stream, cross-section, control constructions.
The effect of available
dumping grounds on water resources
Kaviladze I.M. and Dgebuadze K.D.
effect of available dumping grounds on the water resources of
Keywords: environment
protection, municipal dumping
grounds, water resources.
bases of checking the serviceable condition of the brake system of vehicles
Ratman A.S., Kharitonashvili
V.A., Chalachidze Z.I. and Pridonashvili D.N.
Georgian Technical
The theoretical bases of checking the
serviceable condition of the brake system of vehicles are presented. There is
proposed the procedure of road testing which does not involve the use of any
measuring instrumentation of the vehicle under testing.
Keywords: vehicle, brake system, serviceable condition,
contemporary tendencies in the development of
Georgian power industry
Chomakhidze I.D.
Georgian Wholesale Market of Electric Power
The development of Georgian power
industry in 2000-2005 has been analyzed. A particular place of this industry in
the economy of the country should be emphasized. In 2004 its share in the
volume of production of whole Georgian industry accounted for 25.3%, in the
number of employed people – for 20.9%, and in the amount of fixed capital
– for 53%. In this paper, the state of the art in the power industry of
the country is estimated and the level and dynamics basic indices of its
development are analyzed. For the period under study, the production of
electric power decreased by 4.6%, whole power consumption rose by 6.8.%. Hence
the electric power shortage increased 3.2 times. This shortage was compensated
for by import. In 2005, 1.4 billion kW.h was imported, which was 2.3 times more
that in 2000.
Keywords: power
industry, tendency balance, production.
On the issue of development
of the planning structure of Georgian Towns
Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Art
development of town-planning structure is discussed by the example of the city
of Tbilisi. The priority in the development of Tbilisi is assigned to the use
of internal resources of the city at the expence of reconstruction of all types
of buildings, construction of multifunction planning units in reconstruction
zones, including dwelling and public functions with consideration for
historical principles of the development of the city structure.
Keywords: town-planning,
development of Tbilisi, city structure, prospects.
TECHNOLOGY oF construction of
large-span ceilings
Jincharadze I.G.
Georgian Technical University
technology of construction of large-span ceilings involving the use of four
adjacent columns are the zero mark is proposed. The spatial structures are
lifted step by step to the design mark with the help of a lifting device. This
technology makes easier the construction of large-span ceilings; it does not
require the use of scaffold; it increases the economic efficiency of
Keywords: construction, large
span, ceiling, construction technology.
Tolomashvili A.I.,
Tkemaladze G.Sh., Khidesheli T.M ., Tolomashvili I.A.
and Butskhrikidze G.
National Chamber for
Environment, Quality, Technical Safety and Labor Processes Management
Georgian State
Agricultural University
Abstract. There was developed
an original method for calculation of economic effectiveness of the waste
processing using bioenergy complex, which allows simultaneous assessment of
revenues obtained through main products and through waste processing. There are
given the converting ratios for assessment of wastes by the volume of main
products. This method allows predicting the total revenues from main products
and corresponding wastes.
Keywords: bioenergy complex, economic effectiveness,
Tolomashvili A.I.,
Tkemaladze G.Sh., Butskhrikidze G.D ., Arevadze G.G.,
Kaldani G.N . and
Tolomashvili I.A.
National Chamber for Environment,
Quality, Technical Safety and Labor Processes Management
Georgian State
Agricultural University
Abstract. It is shown that, for
maintenance of stable parameters of ecosystem “biosphere-equipment-man”
(BEM), it is necessary to determine the frequency of disturbances caused by
spread of harmful substances. It is proven that only the abovementioned can not
ensure the achievement of perfect characteristics of the BEM system. Without
taking into consideration the reliability indices of personnel and equipment,
it is impossible to select
correctly the effective preventive tools and to develop permanently improving
management systems.
Keywords: ecosystem, biosphere, equipment,
man, systematic analysis.
B.M., Gogiashvili Zh.G. and Namicheishvili O.M.
Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
There is examined the formal system which components
have two statuses: the state of failure and the no-failure operation. Calculation
of the reliability of such systems can be carried out on the basis of
two-valued logic (Boolean algebra). It is possible to replace the numerical
analysis completely with the computer-aided analytical investigation and to
express the probability of no-failure operation of the system in terms of the
function of reliability probability of particular elements of the system.
Keywords: reliability function, system failure, switching function, disjunction
form, constituent
of probability criteria of the reliability of complex engineering systems of
air transport
Rurua A.S.
Aviation Institute of Georgian
Technical University
The basic probability criterion of the reliability of
complex man-controlled engineering systems of air transport has been
elaborated. The criterion represents the probability of efficient performance
of specified functions at the given time interval [0,T] by a complex
engineering system (CES). The basic criterion is expressed in terms of product
P=Psf ∙ Ptf, where Psf is the
probability of trouble-free operation of CES at the given time interval [0,T]. The
reliability and safety of CES is a vital issue in air transport.
Keywords: air transport,
aircraft, reliability, flight safety, mathematical model.
Basic indices of the linear
step motor with helic armature
Jikhvadze I.J.,
Georgian Technical University
linear step motor with helic armature is discussed. The motor has a number of
specific features: the motion of the armature and the field occurs in
orthogonal planes, which provides the stability of developed forces; the stator
built-up of laminations enables the motor to operate at high frequency and
velocity. If the supports of two
degrees of freedom are used, the motor under consideration allows controlling
the value of advancing step.
Keywords: linear step moter,
helic armature, basic indices.
Tsiramua Z.G.,
Lominadze N.N. and Mirtskhulava L.G.
Georgian Technical
Abstract. The article deals
with the logical-probabilistic method of corporate computer network security
research analysis and evaluation. With consideration of the risk factors, the
network security scenario is implemented, and, on the basis of the scenario, we
obtain the network failure risk probability assessment formula and its
numerical value. By implementation of different scenarios, it is possible to perform
the comparative analysis and the evaluation of risk probabilities.
Keywords: corporate
computer networks, security, risk factors, logical-probabilistic model,
Mirtskhulava L.G., Tsiramua Z.G., Gugunashvili G.N.
and Mirtskhulava E.G.
Georgian Technical University
Abstract. In this article we describe
the mathematical model for solving the
problem of telecommunication networks dependability for packet data
applications with arbitrary general service time distribution. It is shown how
to compute the required resources to provide packet data services with
guaranteed QoS performance using the results of the advanced queuing theory. The
waiting time distribution equation for the no-priority case has been derived. The
arrival process is assumed to be Poissonian. The basic approach employs the
special structure of the particular Markov chain along with the use of some
Keyworks: telecommunication networks, QoS
(Quality of Service), embedded
Markov chain
Mathematical models of some units of measuring devices and systems
N.I., Buadze T.G. and Popkhadze E.J.
Technical University
In the article, the mathematical model of comparator with the threshold
element in terms of nonlinear relation is considered. There are also given the
models of the key and the trigger. The model of the key is based on the
parameters of direct and back resistance of the key, and parasitic residual
voltage and leakage current. The trigger model is set in terms of logic
functions of input signals.
Keywords: measuring devices, measuring systems, mathematical
models, comparator, key, trigger
Kandelaki Z.Sh.
Georgian Technical University
There is proposed a
mathematical model of evaluation of
professional skills of technical personnel engaged in aviation transport. As
the basic research instrument, the theory of quilimetry is used. Formal
explications of informal notions are introduced: the quality of specialist,
quality domain, quality measure, scaling, quality measurement, quality standard
and formation of the estimation goal.
quilimetry, professional skills, technical personnel, mathematical model.
On the hierarchy of the
levels of automated design management
Areshidze G.T., Garsevanishviliu T.G., Gogaladze R.V.
and Balakhadze N.I.
Georgian Technical University
characteristic features of automated design systems are considered with account
of a flexible combination of dynamically changing designers’ demands and
limited capabilities of instrumental means, the software first of all. There is
given a block diagram representing the classification of and the interrelation among the basic levels of design
management in the automated system which is a hierarchical multilevel system. The
proposed approach is based on the methodology of organization of parametric
design management by using the
criterion of maximilization of the intensity of the use of various resources in
the automated design system.
Keywords: automated design
system, management levels, management resources.
of basic characteristics of computer networks
Lolashvili N.Sh and Tevdoradze
Georgian Technical University
The basic characteristics of computer networks are
discussed. These characteristics are separated into two categories: technical
and economic. The technical characteristics include the following: time
characteristics; reliability and security: characteristics of links:
transparency; accessibility of resources; support of traffic of various types;
controllability; compatibility and so on. Basic topological characteristics are
also considered. Besides, the characteristics of data flows are presented. The
characteristics of dynamic and static models of operation of the network are
Keywords: computer network, technical characteristics,
economic indices, data flow, network operation, dynamic mode, static mode.
Functional models of computer networks: Stochastic pipeline models of
transport protocols
T.G., Petriashvili L.N. and Kiknadze M.G.
Technical University
The following functional models of computer networks are discussed:
Keywords: computer network, functional models, stochastic
models, discrete models.
ON the possibility of improvement
of power characteristics of hydraulic-turbine generators at the expense of
reduction of losses in rotors
Chichinadze T.A.
G. Chogovadze Research Institute of Power Engineering
and Power Engineering Constructions
is demonstrated the possibility of increasing the power capability of operating
hydraulic-turbine generators at the expense of reduction of additional losses
and raising their efficiency by certain modification of pole pieces of the
generator. The procedure of estimation of electric power losses in the pole
pieces both prior to and after the reconstruction of rotors is described. There
are cited the examples of application in practice of power-saving measures for
the reduction of additional losses in the pole pieces of real hydraulic-turbine
Keywords: power saving,
hydraulic-turbine generator, power characteristics, improvement, reduction of
losses, rotors, pole pieces.
AUtomated desigNing of the concepTual model of
distributed office systems on the basis of object-role modeling
Technical University
structures of office objects and the rules of their functioning are described
using non-formalized methods. The automated designing of the conceptual model
of distributed office systems is performed on the basis of ORM diagram and
corresponding ER model.
distributed office systems, conceptual model, object-role modeling, automated
data processing and management of the local power
Yu.Sh., Murjikneli G.G., Modebadze N.Yu. and Gondauri E.Z.
There is demonstrated the importance of proper,
reliable and rapid processing of information received from power installations.
The system of transmission of relevant data from power installations to the
headquarters of the central power system and the system of data processing
at the headquarters are described. It
is shown that the existing system does not provide sufficient reliability of
data transmission and processing. There is suggested a new system which is
duplicated for raising the reliability.
Keywords: power system, management, data transmission,
data processing system.
data processing and management of the local power
Yu.Sh., Murjikneli G.G., Modebadze N.Yu. and Gondauri E.Z.
There is demonstrated the importance of proper,
reliable and rapid processing of information received from power installations.
The system of transmission of relevant data from power installations to the
headquarters of the central power system and the system of data processing
at the headquarters are described. It
is shown that the existing system does not provide sufficient reliability of
data transmission and processing. There is suggested a new system which is
duplicated for raising the reliability.
Keywords: power system, management, data transmission,
data processing system.
some issueS of optimization of intrastation modes of
hydroelectric power stations
J.N. and Samsonashvili P.O.
Technical University
The specific features of optimization of
intrastation modes of hydroelectric power stations and its role in the general
system optimization were analyzed. A
rational scheme and an efficient
mathematical method were chosen for composing the algorithms and the programs
for intrastation modes of hydroelectric power stations.
Keywords: hydroelectric power station, intrastation modes, optimization.
some principles of construction of the Design-automation system
Rochikashvili E.G.
Georgian Technical
There is proposed the design-automation system, providing the most
efficient creation of graphics objects with the help of the dialog mode which
does not change designer’s language and way of thinking.
Keywords: computer graphics, design-automation system.
some principles of construction of the Design-automation system
Rochikashvili E.G.
Georgian Technical
There is proposed the design-automation system, providing the most
efficient creation of graphics objects with the help of the dialog mode which
does not change designer’s language and way of thinking.
Keywords: computer graphics, design-automation system.
design of classes and interclass relations for distributed relational databases
Surguladze G.G., Topuria
N.Sh., Petriashvili L.N. and Kiknadze M.G.
Georgian Technical University
The algorithms of object-oriented simulation of the designed sphere and
normalization of relational database structures are presented. By using these
algorithms, the classes, the interclass relations and the static and dynamic
structures of messages (users demands) in the automated system are defined for
their subsequent processing.
Keywords: automated design, relational database, class, interclass relations.
On economic indices used for
establishment of priority of competitive projects
Areshidze G.T., Garsevanishvili T.G. and Eragia G.S.
Georgian Technical University
block diagram of the process of project designing for application in project
management is proposed. The block diagram can be used mainly for selection of
the project, project work scheduling and project supervision. Simple, convenient economic indices are
given for establishment of priority of competitive projects. It is recommended
to use these indices only for one level of allocations.
Keywords: economic indices of
projects, priority of competitive projects, assessment.
Thermal Properties
of Surface-Modified Natural Aluminosilicates
Tsitsishvili V.G., Dolaberidze N.M., Alelishvili M.V., Sabulua T.S., Mirdzveli N.A. and Nijaradze M.O.
and clays, natural aluminosilicates from Georgian deposits, treated with
surfactant-cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, have been studied by thermography. It
was established that introduction of the organic modificator resulted in
enhancement of hydrophobic properties of the outer surface of natural samples.
Keywords: natural
aluminosilicates, thermal properties, surfactant, surface modification.
Activation of carrier gas
with the vapors of saturated hydrocarbons of homologous row C6-C9
in gas-liquid chromatography
Eprikashvili L.G., Pirtskhalava N.V., Turmanidze M.T.,
Kordzakhia T.N. and Zautashvili M.G.
P.Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organic
results of investigation of the effect of vapor of organic substances of
homologous row C6-C9 in the content of carrier gas on the
process of elution of compounds in gas-liquid chromatography are presented.
Keywords: carrier gas,
activation, saturated hydrocarbons, solid support, stationary phase, elution.
Methods of determination of
the content of chlororganic pesticides and polychlorinated biphenils in
biological objects
K.D., Tavamaishvili K.G. and
Gamkrelidze K.M.
P. Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organic
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
methodological recommendations for determination of chlororganic pesticides
(COP) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in animal fibers were worked out.
procedure involves sampling storage of biological material, experiments and
discussion of the obtained results. It is shown that the biological material is
highly sensitive to pollutants. The distribution of accumulated COP by trophic
conditions is of a complex character. The accumulation of toxic substances
depends on their chemical properties, their forms in water, nutrition of
organisms etc. The capability of COP to dissolve and to be accumulated in lipid
fractions of biomass is demonstrated. The dependence of accumulation of COP and
PCB on the solubility of chlororganic substances in water, justified
experimentally, is given.
Keywords: biological objects,
chlororganic pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, determination procedure,
experimental data.
SOME aspects of prediction of pesticide behavior in
subterranean waters
K.D., Tavamashvili K.G. and Gamkrelidze K.M.
Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organical Chemistry
Javakhisvhili Tbilisi State University
problem of prediction of pesticide behavior in subterranian waters on the basis
of deterministic models is discussed. The possible ways of creation of the
similarity criterion and derivation of the corresponding criterial of similarity
the criteria and the corresponding criteria equations are considered. In this connection,
in the water-exchange geosystem, separate elements, blocks, with characteristic
properties and factors, are distinguished. The presence of pesticides in ground
waters was established. There were identified more than 20 pesticides being the
derivatives of compounds of different classes. Their content differed. Eight
types of pollution of the water-exchange hydrosphere were established. Real and
potential sources of pollution of subterranian waters were revealed. The
classification of indices characterizing the stability and the migration of
pollutants in subterranian hydrosystem was worked out. The experimental results
and the prediction of static and dynamic distribution of pesticides in the
medium under consideration are presented.
Keywords: subterranian
waters, pesticides, behavior prediction.
Investigation of the second-order phase
transition by the calorimetric method
Chikovani M.A. and Kiguradze O.D.
Georgian Technical University
The critical temperature of high-temperature
superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x was studied by the
calorimetric method, and, on the basis of numerous measurements, the following
value was obtained: Tcr = 91.85K. The adiabatic calorimeter with
periodic heat feed was used. The experimental relative accuracy of heat capacity
measurement made up 0.2%. For maintenance of adiabatic conditions with
sensitivity of 1×10-3-1×10-4 degrees, the automatic control system
(proportional-integral-differential control law) was used. The procedure of preparation of the high-temperature
superconductor sapmle is described.
Keywords: phase transition, adiobatic
calorimeter, high-temperature superconductor.
Synthesis of new derivatives
of 2-ethoxycarbonyl-5-phenYlindole
Chikvaidze I.Sh., Barbakadze N.N. Targamadze N.L.,
Mirziashvili N.T., Baramidze L.B.
and Samsoniya Sh.A.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
It is well-known that 2-ethoxycarbonyl-5 -
phenylindole enters into electrophilic substitution reactions at elevated
temperature due to the electrophilic and spatial effect of the ester group. On
this basis, we have synthesized 1-alkyl, 2-formyl, 3-isonitroso- and 3-dimethyl
aminoderivatives. By saponification of the ester group,
5-phenylindole-2-carboxylic acid was obtained, and by decarboxylation of the
latter, 5-phenylindole was derived.
Keywords: indole, electrophilic
substitution, formylation, alkylation, saponification..
adsorptive isolation of 2,4.-dimethylaniline and its application as
an antiknock agent to gasoline
Tserodze N.P.,
Lomtadze O.G., Uchaneishvili T.G. and Dolidze A.V.
Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organical Chemistry
The processes of adsorptive isolation of
2,4-dimetylaniline from the mixture of xylidine isomers were studied, It was
established that 2,4 –dimethylaniline concentrated in the adsorbed
fraction. The degree of isolation of 2,4-dimethylaniline form the mixture made
up 93.6%. On the bases of the dehydrated higher alcohols being the wastes of
sugar production and the isolated concentrate of 2,4-dimethylaniline, antiknock
agents for car gasoline were formulated. The tests performed according to State
Standards demonstrated that the addition of the abovementioned agents in the
amount of 16-17% vol. increased the octane number of gasoline by 8-15 points.
Keywords: gasoline, petrol,
2-4-dimethylaniline, antiknock agents, adsorptive isolation
method of releasing the semiacetale hydroxyl of saccharide acetates
Macharadze G.G., Bovin N.V.,
Khorlin A.I., Gakhokidze R.A., Jikia N.Sh., Giorgadze T.T.
and Sigua L.G.
Abstract. The synthesis of the derivatives of protected
carbohydrates containing free saccharide hydroxyl, in particular the
derivatives of mono- and oligosaccharides of neutral and amine sugars, from
saccharide paracetates by the proposed method is performed as follows.
Peracetates of target saccharides are treated with weak cationite in the form
of hydrazine in dimethylformamide (DMFA) or its mixture with other organic
solvents. The physical and chemical constants of the synthesized target
saccharide acetates containing free semiacetale hydroxyl coincide with the
literature values.
Keywords: protected sugars, free semiacetale
hydroxyl, release
Determination of Gold (III) Microquantity using
M.A., Telia N.M. and Tsintsadze G.V.
The chemical
reaction between Gold (III) and 4-Chlorobenzoloazorhodanine was studied .
Optimal conditions for the course of the reaction and the molar ratio of the components
of the complex (Au:Re=1:2). were established. The spectrophotometric characteristics were determined. On the
basis of the experimental results, a new method of determination of microquantites
of gold using 4-chlorobenzoloazorhodanine was developed. The relative standard deviation was within
the range of 0.021-0.047.
Keywords: gold (III), microquantity,
Benefication of carbonate
Grigalashvili A.Sh.
Some issues of benefication of the Chaitura
manganese carbonate ore in heavy suspensions are discussed. The fractional
characteristic of suspensoid (weighting matherial) is given. It was established
that, at the same concentration of suspension, its viscosity increases as the
suspensoid fraction decreases. At the benefication of carbonate ore, the
optimal results are achieved at the suspension density of 2,800 kg/m3.
Keywords: carbonate ore, manganese, benefication,
suspensoid, suspension density.
Selection of optimal regimes of technological processing with the
purpose of isolating fungicides and their metabolites from wine materials
A.M., Kuratashvili Z.A., Japaridze
M.Sh. and Tsereteli B.S.
The effect of technological
processing of wine materials (treatment with heat, bentonite, gelatin-tannin
and filtration through membrane filter) on the presence of
fungicide residues in these wine materials has been studied. It was
revealed that such treatment decreases the content of fungicide residues in
wine materials to a certain extent. From this point of view, the abovementioned
methods can be arranged in the following manner with the purpose of increasing
the effectiveness: treatment with bentonite, heat treatment, treatment with
gelatin-tannin, and filtration through a
membrane filter.
Keywords: wine materials, fungicides,
ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamate, fermentation, abiotic transformation, proteins,
quinones, catechols.
acid, aldehydes and catechols IN pink dry table vintage wines
Ebelashvili N.V. and Subbotin B.S.
All-Russia Research Institute of Brewing, Alcohol-Free Bavariages and Wine-Making Industry,
In the samples of pink dry table vintage wines produced from local red
grape varieties Tavkveri and Shavkapito, carbophenolic acids, phenolic
aldehydes and catechols were identified and determined quantitatively. The carbophenolic
acids included gallic, protocatehuic, gentisic, vanillic, caffeinic, lilac,
n-cumaric, ferulic, orthocumaric and ellagic acids; the phenolic anhydrides
included furfurol, protocatechuic and lilac aldehydes, and vanilline, the
catechols included + catechol and epicatechol. Due to specific vintage
features, the wine samples differed by the quantitative composition and the
component ratio.
Keywords: pink wines, carbophenolic acids, phenolic aldehydes, catechol.
Changes in the amount of anthocyans in pink wines and mistelle in
There were studied the changes in the amount of
anthocyans in the samples of pink dessert fortified wines of liqueur type and
mistelle, produced by using the freshly pressed pomace of the Saperavi grape
variety and the must of the Rkatsiteli grape variety, in storage. It was
established that the optimum storage life of the abovementioned drinks without
worsening of their color made up 30 months.
Keywords: pink dessert fortified
wines, mistelle, anthocyans, storage life.
Investigation of introduced european Grape varieties for
production of sparkling wines
K.V. and Tsertsvadze N.G.
There are presented the resuts
of investigation of chemical-technological indices of introduced wine varieties
of champagne-type, Pino wihte, Risling and Sovinion white, in soil climatic
conditions of the Bitsmendi Zone of the Mtskheta Region of
Keywords: sparkling wines, Georgian wines,
introduced grape varieties, chemical composition, properties
Isolation of some phenolic compounds from the skin of Saperavi
variety grape
M.G. and Musashvili N.D.
The procedure of isolation and separation of total
phenolic preparation from the skin of Saperavi variety grape is described.
Three individual phenolic compounds were identified. Their IR spectral indices
are presented.
Keywords: grape skin, phenolic compounds, IR
application of the malt treated with
lactic-acid bacteria in brewing
Dzekonskaya M.L.
During malt doughing in the
masher, the pH value changes, which prompts the use of so-called
“lactic-acid” malt. For the test, the barley malt treated with
lactic-acid bacteria Lactobacilus was
used. The malt was dried to the 6% humidity. The dosage of lactic-acid malt
made up 10-15%. Some tests were performed with the use of rice as unmalted malt
and others without it. The time of conversion, the content of amine nitrogen
and reduced substances, and the mash viscosity were determined. The mash
viscosity appeared to be higher in both cases without using the lactic-acid
malt. The content of amine nitrogen was greater when the 20% lactic-acid malt
was used. When 5% of rice and 15% of lactic-acid malt were used, the content of
amine nitrogen rose, but the content of reducing substances decreased. The
obtained results allow speaking about the possibility of reduction of the time
of fermentation.
Keywords: brewing, malt, lactic-acid bacteria, fermentation.
A method of saving the
hop in brewing
Dzekonskaya M.L.
of wort with hop is one of the methods of extraction of hop components
affecting the beer quality. The optimal bitterness of beer is achieved at
boiling of the wort for 1-2 hours (the extraction of hop bitter substances
makes up 20-70%). The hop is an expensive raw material. In this article the
sophisticated equipment containing the ultrasonic device which provides saving
of the hop is suggested. The ultrasonic generator has the power of 1200W and
the operational frequency of 100 kHz. There was performed testing production of
beer with the initial wort concentration of 11.5% and 13.0%
depending on the duration of
hop extraction with the ultrasonic device and without it. It was established
that the use of ultrasonic equipment allowed increasing the extractability of
hemulone and, thus, saving the hop by 30%, i.e. reducing the prime cost of
beer. The duration of boiling of the wort was also decreased (it made up 1
Keywords: brewing, hop, saving,
ultrasonic device.
of extraction of tea lipids
Gordeladze D.J. and Khvedelidze
The optimal production
schedules and the technological line for production of the liposoluble lipid
fraction of tea leaves were developed, scientifically proved and realized in
Keywords: tea leaves, extraction,
A RaPid test and a device for determination of extractives of the
Khvedelidze V.G.,
Gordeladze D.J., Chikovani N.Sh. and
A new, essentially distinguished rapid test and a
device ofr determination of extractives of the teawere designed. They are based on the establishment of correlation
between the density of the tea tablet under compacted pressure of minimum 150 мПа, and the
content of extractives шт шею All the operation
of the analysis takes 2-3 min, which is by a factor of 100 and more less than the
time required by the standard procedure of the analysis.
Keywords: tea, extraxctive, rapid
test, device.
Nomograms for suboptimal control of the process of tea leaf
extraction with the organic solvent
Niguriani N.G., gogishvili N.J. and Tabagari T.B.
nomograms for calculation and suboptimal control of the process of tea leaf
extraction with the organic solvent in periodically operating extractor were
developed in view of the factors influencing the process.
Keywords: tea leaf, extraction, organic
solvent, nomograms
I.D., Khvedelidze V.G., Mikeltadze Sh.O. and Gordeladze D.J.
The efficiency of application of ultrasonic sound in
the process of extraction of tung oil is demonstrated. Using the experimental
installation, the optimum values of irradiation frequency and intensity and of
solid phase concentration were found. The yield of the target product made up
about 93 % of the initial amount.
Keywords: tung oil, extraction,
Kamushadze I.D. and Mikeltadze
The possibility of preliminary removal of
superficially bound dissolvent from the tung extraction cake by pulsing of the mass
of the extraction cake in an extractor of periodic operation is considered. There
were established the Optimum levels of factors: frequencies and voltages of
Keywords: tung oil, extraction,
dissolvent, distillation.
The effect of temperature and excessive moIsture on the refinement
of cotton oil
Goksadze I.B.,
Siradze M.G. and Dididze Kh.V.
The effect of temperature and excessive moisture on
the yield of refined cotton oil during alkaline processing was studied. It is
demonstrated that the temperature rise resulted in additional yield of cotton
oil (about 2%). It was established that removal of excessive water promoted the
refinement of hydrogenated oil.
Keywords: cotton oil, refinement,
temperature effect, excessive moisture.
Indices of
Tobacco Fermentation
Kintsurashvili K.M.
Abstract. The experiments for
determination of the tobacco
fermentation indices have been performed. To evaluate the light transmittance
of the samples under testing the spectrophotometric method was used; the
measurements were carried out at different wavelengths before and after
fermentation of tobacco extracts. The goal of the study was to elaborate the
mathematical representation of the degree of raw material fermentation
according to the obtained data. The
data were processed using the sample detection method. This method involves the
introfuction of the rule of classification according to which it would be
possible to attribute the object under testing to a particular class level of
quality index, using a group of traits. The rule of classification is a linear
discriminator. After mathematical processing of the sample detection method,
two equations containing 18 values of light transmittance were obtained. It was
established that, using this method, it was possible to describe the tobacco
“behavior” mathematically before and after fermentation. The method
can be used for efficient control
of the quality of tobacco raw
Keywords: tobacco, fermentation, mathematical method.
Investigation of the melting
temperature of nonlactic fats
Khutsishvili R.A., Shengelia M.O. and Machaladze T.E.
Georgian Technical University
are presented the results of investigation of the melting temperature of
nonlactic fats by differential thermal analysis. The following substances were
studied: coconut oil, spermaceti, palm oil, stearin and cacao butter. The
character of melting of the fat phase extracted from combined oils differed a
lot from that of the milk fat and the fat of nonlactic origin, which allowed us
to define the obtained thermogram as an individual characteristic.
Keywords: nonlactic fats,
melting point, differential thermal analysis.
The effect of phospholipids of cotton oil on its refinement
I.B., Siradze M.G. and Dididze Kh.V.
Technical University
The effect of phospholipids of cotton oil on its refinement was studied.
There was studied the emulsifying ability of phospholipids, which was higher
than the emulgation of the soap formed in the process of refinement. The
experiments were performed on model solutions of phospholipids, free fatty
acids and refined and whitened fats. It was established that, during alkali
refining of vegetable oils, the yield of the refined product depends on the
concentration of phospholipids, but it does not depend on the acid number of
the oil.
Keywords: cotton oil, refinement, phospholipids.
application of aminoacids for
determination of genuineness
of tangerine Juice
Nizharadze E.Sh.
Batumi State University
results of investigation of genuineness of tangerine juice by using the
formolic ratio and adding various aminoacids are presented. It is shown that a
major part of aminoacids causes a significant increase in the formolic ratio. However
it is impossible to add aminoacides to the juice in the ratio they are
contained in natural juices. By the chromatographic method we can determine the
type of falsification.
Keywords: tangerine juice,
genuineness, formolic ratio, aminoacids, chromatography, falsification.
Application of mordants for improvement of coloring
characteristics of dyed wool
Goginovi K.M., Sharabidze M.R. and Buadze E.P.
studied modification of coloring characteristics (tonality, saturation,
lightness) of wool, painted with acid dyes, using a traditional mordant -
chromium salt and a new one –“Complexons”. It is shown, that
implementation of chromium mordant contributes significantly to modification of
coloration factors, and this modification exceeds the limit values of color
difference. But the us of “Complexons”, modifies the coloring
factors insignificantly and the coloration stays bright and saturated, and the color
tonality remains the same.
Actually, after wet processing (washing and rubbing) these characteristics hardly
Keywords: wool,
dying, mordant, coloring characteristics.