On the kinetics of dynamic quantum systems interacting with the boson field: I. The formalism of ordered operators and the procedure of elimination of boson amplitudes
Kotiya B.A.
Georgian Technical University
Using the formalism of ordered operators, the extension of special operation to the temperature-time interval and the averaging operator by the states of the boson (phonon) field, an exact quantum equation of motion (evolution) was derived for relevant (auxiliary) operator G Bs (t, b ) for the dynamic quantum subsystem interacting with the boson (phonon) thermostat. In this case, the interaction between the dynamic quantum subsystem and the boson field is chosen linear by the Bose operators. The approach based on the use of chronological and antichronological T-products was developed. The approximation of random phases was not used at derivation of that equation, and the procedure of elimination of boson (phonon) amplitudes played an important part.
The collision integrals for the derived evolution equation for the relevant operator contain both the terms describing the evolution of real correlations and the evolution terms of initial (pre-collision) correlations resulting from the interaction between the subsystem and the boson thermostat at the initial moment of time.
Keywords : ordered operator, boson field, phonon field, correlation functions, Green functions.
Kevanishvili I.G., Kokilashvili L.G. and Chikhladze G.G.
Georgian Technical University
Abstract . The electrodynamic analysis of the antenna radome of finite thickness, formed of mutually parallel periodic gratings and composed of infinitely long dielectric cylinders, is presented. The amount of the energy radiated from the radome is calculated. The с onditions when the energy reaches its maximum value, are considered, which makes it possible to select the optimal operational regime of the radome.
Keywords : radome, grating, transmission power.
Quenching of triplet exciplexes with the help of electron and hydrogen atom donors
Kokrashvili T.A. and Shengelia M.A.
Georgian Technical University
At quenching of triplet exciplexes of quinones with phenols and secondary aromatic amines, the reaction of the hydrogen atom transfer takes place. It the hydrogen atom donor is at the same time the electron donor, the electron transfer competes with the hydrogen atom transfer.
Keywords: triplex exciplexes, quinones, quenching, phenols, aromatic amines, electron donor, hydrogen atom donor.
The mechanism of quenching of triplet excilpexes with the help of hydrogen atom donors
K o krashvili T.A. and Shengelia M.A.
Georgian Technical University
At quenching of triplet exciplexes of quinones with phenols and secondary aromatic amines, there takes places the hydrogen atom transfer with formation of phenoxylic or aminylic radicals. The yield of radicals depends on the prototropic equilibrium in the complex. On addition of spirit to the nonpolar solvent, the yield of radicals decreases. In this case, the electron donor entering into the composition of the triplet exciplex plays the main part.
Keywords : triplet exciplexes, quinones, quenching, phenols, aromatic amines, electron donor, hydrogen atom donor.
Kokilashvili L.G.
Georgian Technical University
Abstract. Here is considered the Goldbach problem for even numbers, presented as follows: any even number (except two) can be presented as the sum of two common numbers. The geometric presentation of the n' and n'' numbers allows discussing the probability of execution of the Goldbach hypothesis.
Keywords : Goldbach hypothesis, probability of unexecution, chain, reverse chain.
Kokilashvili L.G., Kevanishvili I.G., Chikhladze G.G. and Kapanadze K.G.
Georgian Technical University
Abstract. The problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave on the artificial dielectric formed of periodic gratings, arranged in parallel planes and composed of, infinitely long metal cylinders is considered. The calculation formula for equivalent dielectric permittivity of such a system is given.
Keywords : artificial dielectric, grating, diffraction.
Mathematical Formulation of the Multicriteria problem of Optimization in Chemicogeological processes
Lezhava A.P., Areshidze N.S. and Kevlishvili N.K.
Georgian Technical University
There is considered a mathematical formulation of the multicriteria problem of optimization in chemicogeological processes, which is based on the method of criteria convolution, i.e. on the opportunity to operate with both qualitative and quantitative criteria. In this case, analyzed criterion Q i takes the following values: “bad” (0 £ d i<0.33 ); “satisfactory” (0 £ d i<0.67 ); “good”( 0.67 £ d i £ 1 ). Then total index D, generalizing all particular quantitative indices d i, is to be calculated by the formula of mean geometric . The appropriate equations representing the relation between indices d i and Q i are presented. The method of criteria convolution is compared with the Pareto set of solutions. It is demonstrated that the method under study is preferable in spite of its limited applications.
Keywords : multicriteria problems of optimization, qualitative and quantitative criteria, criteria convolution.
A solution to the Problem of Optimization of chemicogeological Processes with a Great number of responses based on the generalized Harrington function of desirability
Lezhava A.P., Areshidze N.S. and Kevlishvili N.K.
Georgian Technical University
An approach to the solution of the problem of chemicogeological processes connected with the quality oprimization by a specified criterion is proposed. The basic problems arising in connection with the selection and construction of appropriate mathematical models and their subsequent identification as a single-criterion problem of optimization of chemicogeological processes with a large number of responses are described. The construction of the generalized (complex) Harrington function of desirability is given in two versions of conversion of the values of optimization parameters into corresponding desirability d in dependence on the form of the constraint for given parameter Y. For the one-side constraint, it has the following form: ; for the two-side constraint:
The solution of the problem of optimization using the generalized Harrington function is advantageous against other methods of optimization (Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers, ridge analysis etc.) by its simplicity.
Keywords : process optimization, response, Harrington function, desirability, criteria.
improvement of the system of odoration of household gas
Vepkhvadze A.N., Kekelidze G.P., Kekelidze D.G. and Kvirkvelia B.V.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The problem of improvement of the system of odoration of household gas are considered. A design of the analyzer for online determination of the odorant amount in the gas transported by the pipeline in the pipeline section after odoration. The analyzer consists of an emitter and a receiver, the wavelength characteristics of which are in the IR region. The citcuit diagram of controlling the system of odoration of household gas is presented.
Keywords : natural gas, odoration, odorant analyzer, pipeline.
Construction of the multidimensional analYsis packet with decision cube components for commercial, enterprises
Surguladze G.G., Petriashvili L.N., Okhanashvili M.Sh. and Kvavadze L.D.
Georgian Technical University
Abstract . As a result of the effective use of multifactor analysis methods for software realization, it is possible to conduct the operative analysis of goods turnover plan fulfillment for trade enterprises. Besides, it is possible to present the required information by means of special Decision Cube components of C++Builder in different view sections.
Keywords : software, multidimensional analysis, Decision cube, commercial enterprises.
Stimulation mechanisms in hierarchical intergrated systems
Burkov V.N., Javakhadze G.S., Ageev I.A., Pavlov M.L., Gorgidze D.A., Gorgidze I.A.,
Gasitashvili Z.A. and Burjanadze V.O.
Georgian Technical University
V.Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
An important trend in the theory of operating systems is the application of the approach to the investigation of hierarchical intehrated systems with different degrees of management centralization, which is being developed in the framework of the mentioned theory, and the solution of the problem of the optimum degree of management centralization. From the standpoint of methodology, the possibility of a unified approach in the framework of the abovementioned theory to the hierarchical systems. with different degrees of management centralizairon is of the same significance. These issues are considered in the present paper.
Keywords : hierarchical system, stimulation mechanism, vertical integration, management centralization.
Macromodels of response to EMERGENCY situations and restoration arrangements
Verulava D.I., Rodonaia I.D., Gasitashvili Z.A., Gorgidze D.A., Burjanadze V.O., Gorgidze I.A. and Javakhadze G.S.
Georgian Technical University
Based on the analysis of available literature, machromodels of response to emergency situations and restoration arrangements were chosen for specific conditions of Georgia. The Chief Department of Emergency Situations and State Security (CD) is a coordinating body on the response to emergency situations and realization of restoration arrangements. For execution of this interdepartmental function, the CD sets and solves a wide class of administrative, coordinating and special tasks.
Kaywords : macromodel of response, emergency situation, restoration arrangements.
Principles of ensuring the informational monitoring management for emergency situations
Verulava D . I ., Gasitashvili Z . A ., Gorgidze I . A ., Javakhadze G . S ., Gorgidze D . A .,
Burjanadze V.O. and Dumbadze Z.A.
Georgian Technical University
The principles of ensuring of the informational monitoring management for emergency situations are suggested. In order to make the process of management of emergency situations dynamic and efficient, there is proposed a model of the center of management of crisis situations, the functions of which will include the solution of rapidly changing problems. The structure of the center must be mobile, and it must be provided with different functions, so-called operative-analytical management and information-technical management. The functional subsystems of the automated system of the united duty-control service are listed.
Keywords: informational monitoring, management, emergency situations.
On the Issue of the Electric Conductivity of Solar Wind Plasma
Ghurtskaia N.V., Chkhitunidze M.S. and Kereselidze Z.A.
M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics
Abstract: The characteristic value of the magnetic viscosity of solar wind plasma in the interplanetary space and the magnetosheath has been derived in the kinematic approximation. It is demonstrated that, by means of the linear and magnetic characteristics of the stagnation zone in front of the Earth’s magnetosphere, the magnetic viscosity can be roughly estimated in the MHD approximation as well.
Keywords: solar wind, magnetic viscosity, ion-acoustic instability , stagnation zone.
On the issue of supporting the Decision-making in conflictology
Prangishvili A.I. and Prokop’ev S.V.
Georgian Technical University
The issues of supporting the decision-making in conflictology are considered. The decision-making depends on the factors governed by the law of increasing or decreasingentropy (a quantitative measure of disorder) or negentropy (a quantitative measure of order) in the system. If the total increase in the entropy in some system exeeds the total negentropy the processes of destruction processes, conflicts stc. will prevail in the system, which can cause complete. The structure of the system supporting the decision-making in a general case must contain the following components: situation analysis, generatkion of possible decisions, estimation of possible decisions, coordination of the decisions, prediction of consequences of the decisions made, computer-aided analysis of the situation progress dynamics and selection of decisions. For the situation analysis methods PEST and swwort can be used. PEST is focused on external factors, such as political, economic, social and technological ones. In swirt opportunities and treats are considered as external factors, and forces.
Keywords : decision-making, support, conflictology.
Basic approaches to conflict simulation
Prangishvili A.I. and Prokop’ev S.V.
Georgian Technical University
The basic approaches to conflict simulation are considered. A brief description of various models used in conflictology is given. Their advantages and drawbacks are noted. It ios stressed that in computer models of data analysis three basic approaches are used: 1) the use of expert’s experience for construction of expert systems: 2) the analysis of the data describing the foregaing behavior of the object under study, the management decisions and their results; 3) the combination of the first two. For the situation analysis methods PEST and SWORT can be used. PEST if focused on external factors such as political, economic, social and technological. In its turn, in SWORT possibilities and threats are considered as external factors, and forces and weak points as intyernal ones.
Keywords : conflict simulation, approach computer model, expert system.
The analysis of the process of conversion of the dynamic function spectrum in the system using subdiscretization
Japaridze L.N.
Georgian Technical University
The conversion of the dynamic function in the system using subdiscretization is considered. There was obtained the function form which defines the relation between the distortion of the initial function spectrum and the value of the function shift.
Keywords: dynamic function, subdiscretization, spectrum, conversion.
Physical aspects of microtomography for the analysis of semiconductor microstructure irradiated with intense microwave electromagnetic pulses
Bochikashvili P.N., Vekua T.A., Murjikneli G.G., Niguriani I.P. and Robitashvili A.G.
Georgian Technical University
The physical aspects of the analysis of semiconductor microstructures in telecommunication and computer networks at their irradiation with high-power microwave electromagnetic pulses are considered. A new approach to the analysis of cluster formation and defects based on the general theory of fractals is proposed.
Keywords: microtomography, computer and telecommunication networks, defects, fractals.
Physical aspects of microtomography for the analysis of semiconductor microstructure irradiated with intense microwave electromagnetic pulses
Bochikashvili P.N., Vekua T.A., Murjikneli G.G., Niguriani I.P. and Robitashvili A.G.
Georgian Technical University
The physical aspects of the analysis of semiconductor microstructures in telecommunication and computer networks at their irradiation with high-power microwave electromagnetic pulses are considered. A new approach to the analysis of cluster formation and defects based on the general theory of fractals is proposed.
Keywords: microtomography, computer and telecommunication networks, defects, fractals.
Physical aspects of microtomography for the analysis of semiconductor microstructure irradiated with intense microwave electromagnetic pulses
Bochikashvili P.N., Vekua T.A., Murjikneli G.G., Niguriani I.P. and Robitashvili A.G.
Georgian Technical University
The physical aspects of the analysis of semiconductor microstructures in telecommunication and computer networks at their irradiation with high-power microwave electromagnetic pulses are considered. A new approach to the analysis of cluster formation and defects based on the general theory of fractals is proposed.
Keywords: microtomography, computer and telecommunication networks, defects, fractals.
Physical aspects of microtomography for the analysis of semiconductor microstructure irradiated with intense microwave electromagnetic pulses
Bochikashvili P.N., Vekua T.A., Murjikneli G.G., Niguriani I.P. and Robitashvili A.G.
Georgian Technical University
The physical aspects of the analysis of semiconductor microstructures in telecommunication and computer networks at their irradiation with high-power microwave electromagnetic pulses are considered. A new approach to the analysis of cluster formation and defects based on the general theory of fractals is proposed.
Keywords: microtomography, computer and telecommunication networks, defects, fractals.
The effect of the conducting medium inhomogeneity on the surface wave attenuation
Chogovadze M.E. , Bzhalava T.L., Baramidze K.K. and Kalandadze I.G.
Georgian Technical University
The attenuation of surface waves in the conducting medium (plasma) is considered for the case when, at the conducting medium-vacuum interface, there is a transition layer with inhomogeneous plasma concentration. The correction to the decrement caused by the resonance absorption of the surface wave was determined. It is demonstrated that the surface wave attenuation in metals in those frequency ranges where the space dispersion can be neglected is mainly determined by collisions of charged particles (electrons) at constant frequency of collisions, the resonance attenuation being a minor correction.
Keywords : plasma, surface waves, attenuation, inhomogeneous conducting medium.
On the Electronic Mechanism of Melting of Semiconductors
Dolidze N.D., Jibuti Z.V., Mordkovich V.N. and Tsekvava B.E. Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State UniversityInstitute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials of the RAS,
Chernogolovka, Russia
Abstract . The formula for critical concentration n cr. of antibonding quasi-particles - electrons in the conduction band and holes in the valence band was derived. At concentrations n≥n cr, there should occur “melting of the semiconductor by the electronic mechanism”. The derivation of the formula is grounded on the hypothesis that critical is such a concentration at which, in the volume with linear dimensions equal to the de Broglie wavelength of the quasi-particle (corresponding to the melting temperature of the semiconductor), there is at least one quasi-particle. One of the possible mechanisms of nonthermal melting of semiconductors is considered by the example of covalent bond crystals.
Keywords : semiconductors, laser annealing, mechanism of melting.
One of the mathematical models of friction stress in hydrodynamics
Gulua Yu.K.
Sukhumi Branch of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
One of the mathematical models of friction stress in hydrodynamics is considered. It is demonstrated that the friction stress in the critical region of Reynolds numbers depends on both the position of the particle at the flown surface and the velocity of its movement.
Keywords : hydrodynamics, friction stress, critical region of Reynolds numbers,
Investigation of the second-order asymmetric compositional designs close to the Q-optimum ones for four variables with experimental errors
Beraia N.O. and Zedginidze I.G.
Georgian Technical University
The effect of the errors of measuring devices on the Q-optimality, one of the design properties connected with the errors of prediction of the response values with the help of the constructed model, was studied by the example of the second-order asymmetric compositional designs for four variables. The abovementioned design property allows obtaining the minimum average dispersion of predictions. The algorithm of generation of random designs with the help of simulation of errors by superimposing the design of random numbers distributed by the normal law on the positions of the points is described.
The investigations were performed in different areas: in the form of the parts of hyperspheres of different radii and hypercubes of different dimensions for the most typical errors of measuring devices. For each optimum value of the “star” branch, the error corridors were determined. Based on the investigation results, the inference can be drawn that it is possible to determine the optimum value of the “star” branch to an accuracy of a tenth and not of a thousandth in the case without the errors of measuring devices, which allows using readily available measuring devices (by accuracy) for determination of factor levels.
Keywords : experimental design, compositional designs, Q-optimality, measuring device accuracy.
Development of experimental design algorithms for the III-kind binary composition-constitution diagrams
Narchemashvili L.G.
Georgian Technical University
There is suggested an original algorithm of the experimental design for the investigation of binary composition-constitution diagrams for the alloys consisting of two components both of which are unlimitedly soluble in the liquid state and limitedly soluble in the solid state and which do not form chemical compounds. The piecewise description of the liquidus and the solidus by polynomials of different power is proposed. The calculation formulae for determination of the coefficients of the proposed models are presented.
keywords : experimental design, composition-constitution diagram, algorithm, binary alloys.
mathematical experimental design using constitution diagrams for the alloys with chemical compounds
Narchemashvili L.G.
Georgian Technical University
The problems of mathematical experimental design using constitution diagrams for the alloys forming chemical compounds are considered. A convenient form of the models has been derived. The designs of the first, the second, the third and the fourth orders for description of the constitution diagrams and the formulae for calculation of regressive equation coefficients are presented.
Keywords : experimental design, mathematical model, constitution diagram.
The algorithm of economical analysis of the reliability level
Eremeishvili N.I.
Georgian Technical University
The problems of designing of various instruments at preliminary and early design stages are considered from the economical standpoint. In particular, there are considered the problems of statistical simulation for determination of the value of the mathematical expectation of the number of failure recoveries by the redundant equipment and the recovery period. The proposed algorithm can also be used for other types of distribution, particularly for the exponential law.
Keywords : economical analysis, reliability level, algorithm.
The statistical method of calculation of parametric reliability
Eremeishvili N.I. and Kurdadze M.A.
Georgian Technical University
There is proposed a numerical method of determination of probabilistic characteristics of the process of intersection of the specified level of the random change in the output parameter of engineering systems at calculation of the parametric reliability.
As known, the connection between the output parameter of the product and its separate elements is represented by the equations in explicit and implicit forms, and the reliability estimation is performed by the method of statistical tests.
The proposed method allows significant reduction of the time necessary for the abovementioned calculations. The method is based on the assumption that, if separate parameters of the product are semirandom, but the connection between them and the output parameter is determinate, we can infer that the process of changes in the output parameter is also semirandom.
Keywords: statistical method, parametric reliability, random change, calculation.
Synthesis of images on the basis of fractal construction
Otkhozoria V.K. and Tokadze L.Sh.
Georgian Technical University
The problems of image generation are considered by the examples of construction of standard patterns representing geometric, algebraic and stochastic fractals. It is demonstrated that, by using simple algorithms realized with the help of software Matchcad, Delphi and Si ++ , it is possible to synthesize the images representing classical examples of fractal structures quite easily. The method of fractal construction based on the integrated function system (IFS) is worth of particular noting. This method not only is a simple tool for generation of fractal structures, but it can also be considered as a promising method for fractal compression of information.
Keywords : image synthesis, fractal construction, algorithm.
The basic principles of the technology of data transmission via power lines
Gvaramia E.G., Murstkhulava L.G. and Mirtskhulava E.G.
Georgian Technical University
The basic principles of the technology of data transmission via power lines (Powerline Technology) are presented. The basis of the Powerline Technology is the application of the orthogonal frequency signal division whereby the data flow is divided into a few flows of relatively low rate.
Keywords : powerline communication, data transmission, orthogonal frequency - division multiplexing.
SPONTANEOUS resonance raman Scattering in borate glass
Chanturia G.F., Karakozov K.G., Kutaladze L.M. and Tatarashvili R.A.
Institute of Cybernetics
In the borate glass activated with the Pr 3+ ions, a phenomenon of spontaneous resonance Raman scattering was revealed. The shift line was 794cm -1. The relation between the intensity of the spontaneous resonance scattering and the concentration of the Pr 3+ ions was studied. There is discussed the process of multiphonon radiationless relaxation responsible for the phenomenon of the spontaneous resonance Raman scattering.
Keywords : radiationless excitation transfer, reonance scattering, Raman effect, multiphonon relaxation, borate glass.
About the connection of projective geometry with the theory
of symmetric lattices
Sesadze V .K., Kekenadze V .M, Chikadze G .V., Kaishauri Tina V., P ailodze N .R. and Kaishauri T emur V.
Classical symmetric configurations in geometrical lattices are described. The theory of geometrical configurations for the modules above the general rings has been developed., The corresponding graphic constructions are given.
Keywords : symmetric configurations, theory, projective geometry, geometrical lattices.
Modular lattices and identities
Sesadze V.K., Kekenadze V.M., Chikadze G.V., Kaishauri TinaV., Pailodze N.R. and Kaishauri Temur V.
Georgian Technical University
Symmetric configurations are considered. The lattice identities taking place for the X lattice of submodules of any K-module are presented. The definition of the Argo identity in lattices is given.
Keywords: modular lattices, identities, symmetric configurations.
Perspective Representations and Layout of Highways
Sesadze V.K. and Metreveli G. M.
Georgian Technical University
One of the items concerning visual perception of objects by the moving spectator and construction of the perspective images which partly take into account this perception is considered. With the help of the perspective representations, the layout of highways is studied.
Keywords : perspective representation, perception, layout, highways.
The physics and the philosophy of electromagnetism
Berria G.N.
M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics
Georgian Engineering Academy
In meteorology and physics in whole, there exist some conceptual problems the solutions to which have not been found so far. Against the background of significant achievements of applied science, such a situation suggests the conclusion about the conceptual crisis in the science. Based on the ideas suggested 30 years ago and the results of recent investigations, there is proposed a radically new interpretation of the Maxwell equation, which leads to the solution of complex problems of meteorology and physics by the theory of electromagnetism. The origin of the thunderstorm, the tornado and the ball lightning is explained. The ways to overcoming the crisis are directed.
Keywords : electromagnetism, physics, meteorology, Maxwell equation.
On the two opposite directions of the controlling influence
in natural systems
Khvedelidze M.A.
Institute of Cybernetics
Georgian Engineering Academy
International Informatization Academy
The following, natural control systems are considered:
The data studied have led the author to the conclusion about the existence of the controlling influence between the materialized and the dematerialized states of information. This fact points to urgent necessity in finding new opportunities of application of the dematerialized state of information in the methods of experimental research.
Keywords: natural systems, controlling influence, state of information.
Interpretation of the conditions of Opal-like Margin Formation in Agate-Chalcedonic Geodes and Revealing of their Hydrothermal Metasomatic Zeolitization
Magalashvili G.A.
Georgian Engineering Academy
Caucasian Institute of Mineral Raw Materials
For the first time, around agate-chalcedonic geodes, the opal-like margin has been discovered. It was formed by the interaction between the hydrothermal silicic acid solution and alkalines of the enclosing rock. Modelling of this process was carried out under autoclave conditions, and similar results were obtained. Thus, when amigdaloid cavities (or other forms) in the enclosing rocks are filled with the hydrothermal silicic acid solution, "natural autoclave" comditions come into existence. Besides opal and a -christobalite, formed in the result of the interaction between the hydrothermal silicic acid and minerals of the enclosing rocks, hydrothermal-metasomatic zeolites were also found for the first time (clinoptilolite and mordenite).
Keywords: opal-like margin, agate-chalcedonic geodes, autoclave conditions, zeolitization.
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Study of Chromate Reduction
and Detoxification by Bacteria Isolated from Polluted
Basalts from Georgia
Kalabegishvili T. L., Janjalia M. B. and Tsibakhashvili N. Y.
E.Andronikashvili Institute of Physics
Abstract. To study the toxic chromium reduction by basalt-inhabiting bacteria, the electron spin resonance (ESR) method was applied. A comparative study of Cr(VI) reduction revealed a well pronounced correlation between the ability of the bacteria to accumulate Cr(V) and their ability to reduce Cr(V) to Cr(III). According to our batch experiments, Cr(VI) is efficiently reduced to both Cr(III) hydroxide and Cr(III)-oxalato complexes. It seems that, in most of the tested bacteria, chromate resistance is based on the interaction between at least two mechanisms – the chromate reduction and the chromate efflux.
Keywords: chromium, Cr(V), Cr(III), bacteria, detoxification, reduction, electron spin resonance.
Study of the Effect of Technogenic Explosions on Residential Buildings by means of Geophysical Methods
Javakhishvili Z.Sh., Gigiberia M.G., Elashvili M.Z. and Basilaia G.A.
National Survey for Seismic Protection of Georgia, Institute of Geophysics
Abstract. In the present paper, the results of studies of the seismic effect caused by explosions on residential buildings are discussed. The explosions were held at the Shiraki Military Airdrome, and they caused some anxiety in the near the village of Zemo Qedi. The details of the experiments carried out to solve the above mentioned task are described.
Keywords : technogenic explosion, residential building, seismic effect, geophysical methods.
the results of testing of the explosives produced on the base
of utilized ammunition
Kukuladze N.D., Khomeriki S.K., Mikhelson R.V. and Pirtskhalava D.A.
Mining Institute
Georgian Military Research-Engineering Center “Delta”
In the article is given the analysis of the results of laboratory and polygon tests performed for production of industrial explosives on the basis of the explosives coming from overdue military products. The experimental results demonstrated that the utilized ammunition - ballistite and pyroxylin powders, both separately and in the mixture with ammonia nitrate, provide the decrease in the specific expenditures by 30-35% and the growth of the work efficiency by 20-25% in comparison with the regular explosive substance.
Keywords : explosives, utilized ammunition, ballistite and pyroxylin powders, production efficiency.
Biologically active thienyl-containing diethoxysilanes (oligosiloxanes) and card polymers on their base
Markarashvili E.G., Lomtatidze Z.Sh, Mukbaniani O.V., Kupatadze K.T. and Beruashvili M.G.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The bactericidical and actinomycetical properties of diethoxysilanes and their polymers on the base of polycyclic bisphenols were studied. Diethoxy (organo) thienylsilanes were obtained by esterification of the appropriate dichlorosilanes with the excess of absolute ethanol and in the presence of pyridine in dry toluene. The synthesized diethoxysilanes are transparent substances with a characteristic slight smell. They are readily soluble both in polar and nonpolar organic solvents. The structure of the synthesized compounds was determined by the IR and H-NMR spectra.
Keywords : biologically active substances, thienyl-containing diethoxysilanes, card polymers.
Kadzhrishvili D.O., Samsoniya Sh.A., Suvorov N.N., Samsonia N.Sh., Kiladze S.Ch.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
By acetylation of 3H,6H-pyrrolo[3,2-e]indole according to Vilsmeier, 1-acetyl-3H,6H-pyrrolo [3,2-e]indole was isolated; by aminomethylation and formylation of 2,7-diethoxycarbonyl-3H,6H-pyrrolo[3,2-e]indole were obtained 8-dimethylaminomethyl-2,7-diethoxycarbonyl-3H,6H-pyrrolo [3,2-e]indole and 8-formyl-2,7-diethoxycarbonyl-3H,6H-pyrrolo[3,2-e]indole.
Keywords: 3H,6H-pyrrolo[3,2-e]indole, acetylation, aminomethylation, formylation.
Kadzhrishvili D.O., Samsoniya Sh.A., Iashvili N.M. and Samsonia A.Sh.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
By diazotization of N-acetyl-5-aminoindoline, the respective hydrazine was obtained. By interaction of the latter with p-nitroacetophenone, there was synthesized 1-acetyl-6-indolinylhydrazone of p-nitroacetophenone. By cyclization of the hydrazone in polyphosphoric acid, 1-acetyl-7-(p-nitrophenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H,6H-pyrrolo[2,3-e] indole, which by recovery with isopropyl alcohol was transferred into the respective amine, was obtained.
Keywords: hydrazine, hydrazone, indoline, pyrroloindoline, pyrroloindole, indolization.
Samsonia N.Sh., Targamadze N.L., Chikvaidze I.Sh., Cherkezishvili K.I. and Samsoniya Sh. A.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
N-methylation of some bisindoles with methyliodide in dimethylsulfoxide in the presence of KOH was carried out. The following compounds were obtained: N,N 1-dimethyl-bis(5-indolyl) methane, N,N 1-dimethyl-2,2 1-diethoxycarbonyl-bis(5-indolyl) methane, N,N 1-dimethyl-bis(5-indolyl)oxide and N,N 1-dimethyl-2,2 1-diethoxycarbonyl-bis(5-indolyl) oxide.
Keywords: bisindoles, N,N 1-dimethyl bisindoles, alkylation.
Oxidation of arsenic (III) oxide with strontium peroxide
Chabukiani M.G., Injia M.A. , Gigauri R.D. and Rusia M.Sh.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The possibility of hydrochemical oxidation of arsenic (III) oxide with strontium peroxide was studied. It is shown that the reaction product is strontium hydroarsenate (V) hydrate. The oxidizing agent deficiency was filled up with the appropriate quantity of hydrogen peroxide because of low purity of the initial strontium peroxide. Under the above mentioned reaction conditions, the yield of the final product exceeds 90%. Currently the intense investigation of the physiological activity of hydroarsenate is being performed. The preliminary experimental data are encouraging..
Keywords: arsenic (III) oxide, oxidation, strontium peroxide, strontium hydroarsenate (V) hydrate.
Investigation of the complexes of copper (II) and manganese (II) with bromopyrogallol red
Grigalashvili K.I., Kolomikova S.G. and Nodia A.K.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
It was established that bromopyrogallol red (BPR) formed a monoligand (Cu (II)) and a diverse-ligand colored complexes with copper (II) and manganese (II) in the presence of phenanthroline (phen) at pH=5.5.-5.6 and pH=8.3-8.8., respectively. Therefore, the compositions of the complexes by the methods of the isomolar series, the equilibrium shift and the isobestic point are as follow: Cu(II):BPR=1:2; Mn(II):BPR : phen = 1:2:1; l Cu(II) =600-615 nm, e Cu(II) =1.7X10 4; l Mn(II) =600-620 nm, e Mn(II) =1.4X10 4. The light absorption laws are obeyed at the concentration of Cu(II) equal to 3-30μg/25ml and Mn(II) equal to 3-35 μg/25ml. Based on the experimental data, the photometric methods of determination of microquantities of Cu(II) and Mn(II) were developed.
Keywords : bromopyrogallol red, copper (II), manganese (II), photometric determination.
Investigation of the complexes of copper (II) and manganese (II) with bromopyrogallol red
Grigalashvili K.I., Kolomikova S.G. and Nodia A.K.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
It was established that bromopyrogallol red (BPR) formed a monoligand (Cu (II)) and a diverse-ligand colored complexes with copper (II) and manganese (II) in the presence of phenanthroline (phen) at pH=5.5.-5.6 and pH=8.3-8.8., respectively. Therefore, the compositions of the complexes by the methods of the isomolar series, the equilibrium shift and the isobestic point are as follow: Cu(II):BPR=1:2; Mn(II):BPR : phen = 1:2:1; l Cu(II) =600-615 nm, e Cu(II) =1.7X10 4; l Mn(II) =600-620 nm, e Mn(II) =1.4X10 4. The light absorption laws are obeyed at the concentration of Cu(II) equal to 3-30μg/25ml and Mn(II) equal to 3-35 μg/25ml. Based on the experimental data, the photometric methods of determination of microquantities of Cu(II) and Mn(II) were developed.
Keywords : bromopyrogallol red, copper (II), manganese (II), photometric determination.
Investigation of the extraction of Diphenyl carbazonates of zinc (II), Nickel (II) and manganese (II) in the presence of diphenyl guanidine
Grigalashvili K.I., Kakabadze E.G., Shoshiashvili E.F. and Samkharauli N.G.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The complexes of Zn(II), Ni (II) and Mn(II) with diphenyl carbazone (DPC) in the presence of diphenyl guanidine (DPG) were studied. It was established that, at pH=9.0-9.5, zinc and nickel, and at pH=9.5-10.0, manganese formed intensely colored associates with DPC and DPG. The associates were quantitively extracted with benzene and toluene. In the presence of DPG, the intensity and the stability of the extract color increased to 1-1.5 hours (in the absence of DPG, carbazonates of those metals become decolorized very soon). At extraction, the equibrium was established in 1-2 minutes. The results are reproducible.
The maximum light absorption of the extracts was at l max (Zn 2+)=500-505 nm; l max (Ni 2+)=535-540 nm and l max (Mn 2+)=530 nm. The light absorption laws were obeyed: 1-15 μg/10 ml(Zn 2+), e =7.5 × 10 4; 1-10 μg/10 ml(Ni 2+), e =7.2 × 10 4; 2-10 μg/10 ml, e =4.1 × 104.
The composition of the associates is represented by the method of the equilibrium shift: Me(Zn, Ni, Mn): DPC : DPG=1:2:1. There was drawn an inference about the mechanism of associate formation and extraction. The effect of interfering ions and the ways of its elimination were studied. The method of the combined extraction-photometric determination of Zn(II), Ni (II) and Mn (II) in artificial solutions and natural objects was developed.
Keywords : diphenyl carbazonate, diphenyl guanidine, zinc, nickel, manganese, extraction.
Ferrocene as an analytical reagent for photometric determination of copper (II)
Dzotsenindze N.E., Dadianidze T.G., Abulashvili E.I., Kutateladze G.M. and Jikia N.G.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Ferrocene was studied as a photometric reagent. The procedure of determination of copper (II) using ferrocene was developed. The optimum conditions of the reaction were determined with the aim to characterize the selectivity of the method, the interference of other ions was studied. The masking reagent was selected and the method of determination of copper (II) in the presence of iron (III) was developed. The composition of the complex was determined, and the mechanism of its formation was assumed.
Keywords : ferrocene, analytical reagent, photometric, determination, copper (II).
On the thermodynamic estimation of some chemical reactions proceeding
in the atmosphere
Tsintsadze G.V. Kustiava N.A., Sarukhanishvili A.V., Eristavi D.V. and Gogishvili A.R.
Georgian Technical University
The estimation capability of the effect of additional components on the composition of the products of the reaction media of the emergency emission are considered on the basis of the thermodynamic analysis of the reactions described in the literature. Three cycles of the reactions in the temperature range of 223-323 K were chosen for the investigation by using the method of minimization of the Gibbs energy. There were chosen the reactions increasing the interaction energy as the temperature rises, the reactions decreasing the interaction energy, and the reactions with constant or close-to-constant energy. It is demonstrated that the method of thermodynamic analysis can be used for estimation and prediction of the situation in the areas of emergency emissions. That method allows obtaining the objective pattern of the ecological situation near industrial enterprises.
Keywords : environment protection, atmospheric pollution, thermodynamic estimation, emergency emission, chemical reactions.
On the thermodynamic analysis of the atmospheric air pollution near industrial enterprises
Tsintsadze G.V., Kustiava N.A., Sarukhanishvili A.V., Gogishvili A.R. and Eristavi D.V.
Georgian Technical University
The results of the thermodynamic analysis of the atmospheric air pollution near industrial enterprises (by the example of the AZOT Plants, Rustavi) are presented. It was established that the composition of the emergency emission expected by the plant forecast differed somewhat from the calculated one. The analysis showed that the gas compositions expected by the norm forecast were similar to the ones obtained by the thermodynamic calculation (at all the three emergency points).
The obtained results pointed at the possibility of application of the method of calculation of chemical and phase balances in the multicomponent heterogenous system to the prediction of industrial emissions and their effect on the environment of the region under study.
Keywords : environment protection, atmospheric air, industrial enterprise, thermodynamic analysis.
Gverdtsiteli M. I. and Gurgenidze M. N.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
The cyclization reaction of hexene was investigated within the scope of the quasi-ANB-matrix method and modified by Shennon's information entropy method. The diagonal elements of the quasi-ANB-matrix are the sums of atomic numbers of chemical elements which some molecular structural fragments contain; the nondiagonal elements are the multiplicities of chemical bonds.
Keywords: quasi - ANB-matrix method, Shennon's information entropy method, hexene, cyclization.
The background content of organochloric pesticides in water bodies of Georgia
Amirkhanashvili K.D., Tavamaishvili K.G. and Gamkrelidze K.M.
P. Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The current status of the pollution of water bodies of Georgia with pesticides is described. Based on the results of the analyses of the river water by the method of gas chromatography, the tendency for an increase in the concentrations of DDT and a -HCH (Lindane) in the water bodies of Georgia is demonstrated. The obtained results allow us to draw the inference about locations of abandoned storehouses and burials of organochloric pesticides and about the amount of illegal import of the mentioned pesticides.
Keywords: organochloric pesticides, DDT, a -HCH (Lindane), background content, water bodies.
Investigation of some Aspects of Water Pollution of the Black Sea
Within Georgia
Chikviladze Kh. N., Kordzakhia G.I., Buachidze N.S. and Mchedlishvili M.V.
Ministry of the Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia
The Service of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Georgia
Institute of Radiobiology and Ecology
Abstract. On the bases of chemical and biological monitoring of the Black Sea within Georgia, the pollution of the seawater with organic and inorganic pollutants (oil products, phenol, biogens etc.) and the natural radiation dependence of oil dissolution were investigated.
The monitoring carried out in the coastal zone of the Black Sea for assessment of the anthropogenic load on the sea and river environment included the chemical and biological aspects: the investigation of the pollution of the biotic environment with organic and inorganic compounds; the isolation of the destructive microorganisms and their identification; the determination of the dynamics of destruction of organic substences by natural processes.
Keywords: environmental p ollution, destruction, organic substances, river; lake, the Black Sea, coastal zone.
Improvement of the process of wine production by using enzymatic preparations
Godabrelidze A.A., Kalatozishvili E.I. and Mujiri L.A.
Research Institute of Horticulture , Viticulture and Wine-Making
Contemporary processes of wine production need improvements with the aim of upgrading the flavor and the stability of wines. One of the approaches is the application of enzymatic preparations. We used highly efficient enzymatic preparations Extrazyme and Inozyme. The subjects of the investigation were the grape varieties spread in Georgia and the wines produced from them: Rkatsiteli, Saperavi, Kaberne and Tavkveri. The wine materials were prepared using optimum enzyme-substrate ratios. The obtained samples were investigated for chemical and organoleptic properties. The investigation results showed that the treatment with the enzymatic preparations had a favorable effect on the wine quality in all the samples tested. The tested samples were superior to the reference ones by 0.1-0.3 points.
Keywords : wine materials, enzymatic preparations, wine production process, improvement.
Improvement of the process of production of enanthether by yeast autolysis
Mujiri L.A. and Iashvili I.N.
Research Institute of Horticulture , Viticulture and Wine-Making
The process of production of yeast autolysates and enanthether was developed. The optimum procedures of isolation of enanthether by using the autolysis and the lysing enzymatic preparation of mannanase were determined. The subject of the study was the yeast biomass extracted from wine materials of the grapes of Rkatsiteli variety. The activity of the lysing enzyme was estimated by the total yield and the accumulation of amine nitrogen in the autolysate. From the autolysed wine materials, spirit was also isolated. The investigation results demonstrate that the spirits produced by the procedure suggested are characterized by larger amounts of ethers, especially the enanthether, and higher alcohols and volatile acids as well. The use of the lysing enzymatic preparation of mannanase with the enzyme-substrate ratio equal to 25mg/g increases the yield of the autolysate and the enanthether by 20%.
Keywords : enanthether, yeast autolysis, production process.
Modification of proteins in Madeira-type wine materials
Japaridze M.Sh., Skhirtladze T.A., Japaridze V.D., Machavariani Ph.D., Tsereteli B.S.
and Ugrekhelidze D.Sh.
Georgian State Agrarian University
Modification of protein fractions in Madeira-type wine materials was studied by the method of disc electrophoresis on the basis of technological treatment. The inclusion of C 14H 3C 14HO into the molecule of proteins was proved with the help of acetaldehyde. An assumption was made about the participation of aldehydes in reducing the amount of albumins in the Madeira-type wine materials
Keywords : acetaldehyde, 2-mercaptoethanol, blood albumin.
Shakulashvili N.G., Kvinikadze L.Z. and Blay C.
Iv. Javakhishvcili Tbilisi State University
Instrumental Analysis and Bioanalysis, Saarland University, Germany
The possibility of simultaneous determination of some biologically active polyphenols in wine by HPLC with gradient-mode elution was investigated. It is demonstrated that the application of methanol instead of acetonitrile as an organic component of the eluent is successful. Thus it can provide good base-line separation of numerous wine compounds with high efficiency.
Keywords: resveratrol, polyphenols, gradient elution, base-line separation, HPLC.
The principles of arrangement of switching and base power facilities by the example of the united power system
Mshvidobadze T.J.
Georgian Technical University
The arrangement of switching and base power facilities is described by the example of the united power system. The scale of development of thermoelectric plants and the efficiency of enlargement of condensation power plants are considered.
Keywords : power system, base power, arrangement, united power system.
A model of prediction of the condition of the Georgian power system with the help of construction of its multiservice network
Kamkamidze K.N., Mirtskhulava L.G. and Gvaramia E.G.
Georgian Technical University
The basic principles of construction of the multiservice network of the Georgian Power System on the basis of the fiber-optic communication line by the technology of asynchronous transmission and the specifications of the mentioned network are considered. The important aspects are the following: control of the entire network from a single point; connection of all industrial interfaces to the network; remote monitoring of the equipment condition and obtaining of the information about the development of emergency situations; control and prediction.
Keywords : power system, multiservice network, prediction model.
New Technology for production of nonpressure and pressure
concrete and reinforced concrete pipes
Makhviladze L.S., Pashiashvili M.G. and Makhviladze K.L.
Georgian Technical University
The technology for production manufacturing of nonpressure concrete and pressure reinforced concrete pipes is presented.The prestressed pressure reinforced concrete pipes are produced from nonpressure concrete ones. A brief description of the production equipment is given.
Keywords: concrete pipes, reinforced concrete pipes, production technology, production equipment
On the possibility of application of micro-wave energy to strengthening of the soil
Lutidze G.A., Kokoshvili V.D.m Kokoshvili I.V. and Zurabishvili V.I.
Georgian Technical University
The results of theoretical and experimental investigations on the application of microwave energy to heating of various soils are presented. The advantages of the microwave heating of the soils over the traditional method are demonstrated.
Keywords : microwave energy, heating of the soil.
improvement of the system of odoration of household gas
Vepkhvadze A.N., Kekelidze G.P., Kekelidze D.G. and Kvirkvelia B.V.
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
The problem of improvement of the system of odoration of household gas are considered. A design of the analyzer for online determination of the odorant amount in the gas transported by the pipeline in the pipeline section after odoration. The analyzer consists of an emitter and a receiver, the wavelength characteristics of which are in the IR region. The citcuit diagram of controlling the system of odoration of household gas is presented.
Keywords : natural gas, odoration, odorant analyzer, pipeline.
Determination of the Required Number (Combinations) of Switched-on Pump Units in the water supply system operating by the “Pumping Station-consumer” Principle
Verulava G.Yu. and Tsikhelashvili Z.I.
Georgian Technical University
There is suggested a solution to the problem of increasing the reliability of the process of water supply to consumers at operational-dispatching control of water supply systems, which falls in the class of rather difficult engineering problems, also being hard to formalize (form the mathematical standpoint).
The solution of the problem is based on the experimental investigations of the mechanism of peizometric pressure distribution and the behavior of pump units of the 2-nd elevation in the automated water supply system in the town of Zelenograd ( Russia). The procedure of choosing the optimum combinations of switched-on pump units using the criterial estimation of the pressure and span distribution is proposed. On its basis, the rules of operational o operational control of the steady process of consumers’ water supply are developed.
Keywords : water supply system, pump unit, criterial estimation, experiments
Determination of the Information-Theoretical efficiency Factor of Water Supply Systems operating by the “Pumping Plant - Consumer” Principle
Verulava G.Yu. and Tsikhelashvili Z.I.
Georgian Technical University
The peculiarities of operational-dispatching control of water supply systems under the conditions of complexity and instability of the process of water supply to consumers are described. In this connection, based on the application of the method of “original experiments”, an instrumental means for the use in the operational-dispatching control of consumers’ water supply is suggested. It consists in determination of the information-theoretical efficiency factor of water supply systems operating by the “pumping plant-consumer” principle. A simple procedure of the determination of that factor is described and demonstrated by the example with the analysis of the quality of operation of the water supply system under study.
Keywords : water supply system, operational-dispatching control, information-theoretical efficiency factor
Energy relations in the conveying plants for heating and drying of thin-wall edraw materials
Kokoshvili V.D., Kokoshvili I.V., Zurabishvili V.I. and Kekelia G.V.
Georgian Technical University
There is presented the calculation for determination of the power level of generators of the conveying plants for heating and drying of thin-walled vegetable raw materials (tea, laurel and tobacco leaves and various herbs) depending on the heating chamber parameters and the origin of the raw materials to be heated up.
Keywords : conveying heating plant, energy relations, thin-walled vegetable raw materials.
Selection of the parts of the conveying plant for heating and drying of thin-wall EDraw materials
Kokoshvili V.D., Kokoshvili I.V., Zurabishvili V.I. and Kekelia G.V.
Georgian Technical University
There is presented the analysis and the justification of selection of the parts of the conveying system design applicable to heating and drying of thin-film vegetable raw materials (tea, laurel and tobacco leaves, herbs etc.).
Keywords : conveying heating plants, selection of the parts, thin-film vegetable raw materials.
investigation of mass-exxhange characteriticsN. of tea
Megrelidze T.J., Grigolashvili M.A., Khvedelidze V.G. and Nadiradze Z.N.
N. Muskhelishvili Kutaisi State Technical University
The water-accmulating capacity of different fractions of tea was studied, and the corresponding equations were derived. For convenience, there were designed the nomograms for determination of the equilibrium water content and the thermal gradient coefficients of different fractions of tea with account for ambient humidity.
Keywords : tea, mass exchange, water accumulation, nomograms.
The methods of determination of caffeine in tea lipids
Khvedelidze V.G., Megrelishvili T.J. and Tsutskiridze N.R.
N. Muskhelishvili Kutaisi State Technical University
A method of determination of caffeine in tea lipids was developed. The method is based on oxidation of caffeine into tetramethylpurpuric acid with the mixture of hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide, dissolution of the obtained acid and photometric analysis of its aqueous solutions.
Keywords : caffeine, tea lipids, methods of dertermination, tetramethylpurpuric acid, photometric analysis.
The effect of surface active substances on the changes in dyeing intensity of viscose fiber
Zhorzholiani S.A., Khurtsilava I.A. and Buadze E.P.
N. Muskhelishvili Kutaisi State Technical University
The effect of surface active substances (SAS) on the changes in the color intensity of viscose fiber at its dyeing with metallized acid dyes of the 1:2 complex is considered. At comparing the effects of the SAS on the changes in the surface tension and on the quality of the dyed cloth from viscose fiber, no similar regularity was revealed. This fact indicates that, at modification of cloth, the surface activity of the SAS is different and depends on their class. The effect of the concentration of the SAS (pH=5.5-6.0) on the value of the x -potential of the fiber surface was studied. It is demonstrated that, as the consideration of the SAS in the solution rises, an abrupt decrease in the x - potential of the fiber even to the point of its charge transfer takes place. It was established that amphoteric SAS had a complex effect on the fiber, accompanied with decreases in the charge of its surface and the surface tension of the solution at the interface.
Keywords : dyeing, viscose fiber, surface active substances, color intensity.
The study of the effect of Preliminary treatment and dyeing of the Cloth
from a fiber mixture on the changes in the color intensity when
metallized acid dyes are used
Zhorzholiani S.A. and Buadze E.P.
N. Muskhelishvili Kutaisi State Technical University
The effect of the preliminary treatment and dyeing of cloth from a mixture of woolen and viscose fiber on the changes in the color intensity was studied at dyeing with metallized acid dyes. By using the method of rotatable design of the 2-nd order, the optimum parameters of the dyeing process were established for the cases of the preliminary treatment of the cloth in the ammonium sulfate solution and AMN-4P.
Keywords : dyeing, fiber mixture, color intensity, preliminary treatment, metallized acid dyes.